Is Amazon’s AWS Quietly Getting Better at Contributing to Open Source?

“If I want AWS to ignore me completely all I have to do is open a pull request against one of their repositories,” quipped cloud economist Corey Quinn in April, while also complaining that the real problem is “how they consistently and in my opinion incorrectly try to shape a narrative where they’re contributing to the open source ecosystem at a level that’s on par with their big tech company peers.”

But on Friday tech columnist Matt Asay argued that AWS is quietly getting better at open source. “Agreed,” tweeted tech journalist Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols in response, commending “Good open source people, good open-source work.” (And Vaughan-Nichols later retweeted an AWS principle software engineer’s announcement that “Over at Amazon Linux we are hiring, and also trying to lead and better serve customers by being more involved in upstream communities.”) Mark Atwood, principle engineer for open source at Amazon, also joined Asay’s thread, tweeting “I’m glad that people are noticing. Me and my team have been doing heavy work for years to get to this point. Generally we don’t want to sit at the head of the table, but we are seeing the value of sitting at the table.”

Asay himself was AWS’s head of developer marketing/Open Source strategy for two years, leaving in August of 2021. But Friday Asay’s article noted a recent tweet where AWS engineer Divij Vaidya announced he’d suddenly become one of the top 10 contributors to Apache Kafka after three months as the founding engineer for AWS’s Apache Kafka open source team. (Vaida added “We are hiring for a globally distributed fully remote team to work on open source Apache Kafka! Join us.”)
Asay writes:
Apache Kafka is just the latest example of this…. This is exactly what critics have been saying AWS doesn’t do. And, for years, they were mostly correct.

AWS was, and is, far more concerned with taking care of customers than being popular with open-source audiences. So, the company has focused on being “the best place for customers to build and run open-source software in the cloud.” Historically, that tended to not involve or require contributing to the open-source projects it kept building managed services around. Many felt that was a mistake — that a company so dependent on open source for its business was putting its supply chain at risk by not sustaining the projects upon which it depended…

PostgreSQL contributor (and sometime AWS open-source critic) Paul Ramsey has noticed. As he told me recently, it “[f]eels like a switch flipped at AWS a year or two ago. The strategic value of being a real stakeholder in the software they spin is now recognized as being worth the dollars spent to make it happen….” What seems to be happening at AWS, if quietly and usually behind the scenes, is a shift toward AWS service teams taking greater ownership in the open-source projects they operationalize for customers. This allows them to more effectively deliver results because they can help shape the roadmap for customers, and it ensures AWS customers get the full open-source experience, rather than a forked repo with patches that pile up as technical debt.

Vaidya and the Managed Service for Kafka team is an example along with Madelyn Olson, an engineer with AWS’s ElastiCache team and one of five core maintainers for Redis. And then there are the AWS employees contributing to Kubernetes, etcd and more. No, AWS is still not the primary contributor to most of these. Not yet. Google, Microsoft and Red Hat tend to top many of the charts, to Quinn’s point above. This also isn’t somehow morally wrong, as Quinn also argued: “Amazon (and any company) is there to make money, not be your friend.”
But slowly and surely, AWS product teams are discovering that a key element of obsessing over customers is taking care of the open-source projects upon which those customers depend. In other words, part of the “undifferentiated heavy lifting” that AWS takes on for customers needs to be stewardship for the open-source projects those same customers demand.

UPDATE: Reached for a comment today, Asay clarified his position on Quinn’s original complaints about AWS’s low level of open source contributions. “What I was trying to say was that while Corey’s point had been more-or-less true, it wasn’t really true anymore.”

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Most Government Websites Serve Tracking Cookies Without Consent, Report Finds

A new study published by the IMDEA Networks Institute shows just how common it is for government websites to install third-party cookies in visitors’ web browsers. HotHardware reports: The study makes a distinction between third-party (TP) cookies and third-party tracking (TPT) cookies, because not all third-party cookies are “set by domains that are known to be tracking users for data collection purposes.” The chart [here] shows the percentage of government websites for each country that install at least one third-party cookie, as well as the percentage of said cookies that are associated with domains that are known to be tracking users. Russia tops out the list with over 90% of its government websites installing third-party cookies in visitors’ web browsers. Meanwhile, nearly 60% of US government websites install at least one third-party cookie. Germany sits at the bottom of the list with a little under 30% of government websites serving up third-party cookies.

Most of the third-party cookies installed by government websites are known tracking cookies, except in the case of Germany, where under 10% of third-party cookies are associated with domains that are known to track users. The researchers also found that, depending on the country, 20% to 60% of the third party cookies installed by government websites remain in visitors’ browsers without expiring for a year or more. That’s a long time for a tracker installed without your knowledge or consent to remain active. Beyond specifically tracking cookies, the researchers measured the number of trackers of any kind present on government websites. The Russian has the most trackers out of any government website analyzed by the researchers, numbering 31 trackers in total. However, Brazil and Canada aren’t far behind, with 25 trackers present on both and The US government website with the most trackers is, which has 13.

The researchers point out that both third-party tracking cookies are automatically installed in visitors’ web browsers without their consent. However, the researchers guess that web developers and administrators likely include third-party content without intending to add trackers to their websites. A great many websites now rely on third-party resources and include social content that come with trackers built-in.

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North Carolina Looks To Remove Public EV Chargers, Probably To the Trash

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Car and Driver, written by Ezra Dyer: Politicians have to run on some kind of platform, and Ben Moss — my incoming state House representative here in North Carolina’s District 52 — decided that his animating principle is Being Mad at Electricity. To prove his animosity toward this invisible menace, he’s sponsoring House Bill 1049, which would allocate $50,000 to destroy free public car chargers. It contains some other enlightened ideas, but that’s the main theme: We’ve simply got to do something about these free public chargers, even if it costs us $50,000! Those things cost tens of cents per hour, when they’re being used.

Of course, there’s a caveat here. Moss isn’t saying that free public Level 2 chargers — of which there are three in my town, with plans in the works to convert to paid kiosks — definitely need to get crushed by a monster truck. That rule only comes into play if a town refuses to build free gas and diesel pumps next to the EV chargers. So anyway, warm up El Toro Loco, we’re smashin’ some car zappers! But what about private businesses? you ask. Don’t worry, Moss hasn’t forgotten that a business might put a charger on its property as an inducement for EV owners to patronize the establishment. And small business is the heart of the local economy. That’s why he’s staying out of the way when it comes to private property. Just kidding! Ben Moss cares about the consumers being harmed by these hypothetical free chargers — namely, any customer who arrived via internal-combustion vehicle, or on foot, or in a sedan chair. Why is someone else gaining some advantage based on a decision they made? That’s not how life works.

Thus, House Bill 1049 decrees that all customer receipts will have to show what share of the bill went toward the charger out in the lot. That way, anyone who showed up for dinner in an F-150 (not the electric one) can get mad that their jalapeno poppers helped pay for a business expense not directly related to them. It’s the same way you demand to know how much Applebee’s spends to keep the lights on in its parking lot overnight, when you’re not there. Sure, this will be an accounting nightmare, but it’ll all be worth it if we can prevent even one person from adding 16 miles of charge to a Nissan Leaf while eating a bloomin’ onion — not that restaurants around here have free chargers, but you can’t be too careful. Now, there is a charger at the neighborhood Ford dealership, which is marking up Broncos by $20,000. Coincidence? I think not. “Critics of this bill might point out that increasing the number of electric cars could actually benefit owners of internal-combustion vehicles, thanks to reduced demand for petroleum products,” adds Dyer. “Electron heads, as I call them, also like to point out that electricity is generated domestically, so your transportation dollars are staying in the U.S. rather than going to, say, Saudi Arabia.”

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Apple Plans To Launch An ‘Extreme Sports’ Apple Watch With a Larger Screen, Metal Casing: Report

Apple is reportedly planning to launch an “extreme sports” version of the Apple Watch this year, according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. TechCrunch reports: The extreme sports Apple Watch is expected to have the company’s largest smartwatch display to date, along with a bigger battery and rugged metal casing. The display will measure in at almost two inches diagonally, Gurman says. The extreme sports model will have about 7% more screen area than the largest current Apple Watch. The display will also have a resolution of about 410 pixels by 502 pixels. Gurman speculates that the larger screen could be used to display more fitness metrics or information on watch faces.

In addition, Gurman says the extreme sports watch will use a stronger metal than aluminum and have a more shatter-resistant screen. The watch is also expected to have a larger battery in order to accommodate longer workout times. Gurman also says the watch is expected to have improved tracking metrics, such as the ability to detect elevation when hiking. As with the Apple Watch 8, the extreme sports model is expected to have the ability to detect fevers by taking the wearer’s body temperature. The extreme sports model is reportedly going to be announced later this year, alongside two other models, the Apple Watch Series 8 and an updated version of the low-end Apple Watch SE.

Gurman says the Apple Watch Series 8 will retain its 1.9-inch diagonal screen size, while the Apple Watch SE will stick with its current 1.78-inch screen size. The extreme sports version of the Apple Watch is expected to cost more than the standard stainless steel Apple Watch, which is currently priced at $699. All of the new Apple Watches will use an S8 processor with similar performance to the S7 chip in the Apple Watch Series 7, Gurman says. Apple typically announces its new watch models in September alongside its new iPhone launches.

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Will EVs Mean the End of AM Radio In Cars?

Some carmakers are leaving AM radios out of their new cars. They say it’s because of audio quality, but it isn’t that simple. James Gilboy writes via The Drive. From the report: BMW and Volvo told me it was due to audio quality problems rooted in electromagnetic interference, of which EVs’ drivetrains produce a significant amount. Cars’ engines and other complex electronics have always made EM interference, but low-wattage static is relatively easy to shield against. It’s not as simple with EVs that may pull hundreds of watts from their batteries, generating far more interference, reducing audio quality to a level both BMW and Volvo told me they consider insufficient. But it’s hard to take them at their word when EVs are built with AM radios and in no small numbers. Detroit’s Three — Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis — have produced or currently make EVs that include AM radio, even on flagship models. That goes for the Ford F-150 Lightning and Mustang Mach-E, GM EVs from the Cadillac Lyriq to the Chevy Bolt EUV and GMC Hummer EV, and even Stellantis’s almost-forgotten Fiat 500e. Clearly, some carmakers don’t think EM interference is a problem, and some EV owners agree. One user of an EV forum user said that AM radio “works fine” in their 500e and older Chevy Bolt.

We contacted all three of Detroit’s giants for why they continue to include AM radios when some European makes have phased them out, but the answer establishes itself across those very same lines. AM radio has fallen out of favor in Europe, with Radio Info reporting in 2015 that stations were shutting down en masse from France to the Netherlands and Russia. The frequency has largely been superseded by the DAB format, which is a more advanced form of radio broadcasting with better audio quality and choice of stations. AM radio stations and their listeners are all but gone in Europe, so European carmakers may not need to include technology that many of its customers can’t use.

In the U.S., on the other hand, radio remains a must for car buyers, with 89 percent of responders in a 2021 survey stating radio should be standard in new cars. That makes radio even more important to U.S. car buyers than USB ports, which only 84 percent said were necessary. AM audiences were in rapid decline as of a 2017 report by Inside Radio, but not to enough a degree for American carmakers to leave AM radios out of their products. It’s not hard to figure out why AM’s holding on here, either: AM signals travel further than FM broadcasts do and are cheaper to transmit, allowing them to cater to audiences in sparsely populated areas. Audio quality can’t compare, but that’s secondary to having anything to listen to at all in some parts of the continental United States.

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