Lawsuit Claims Microsoft Tracked Sex Toy Shoppers With ‘Recording In Real Time’ Software

Samantha Cole reports via 404 Media: A woman is suing Microsoft and two major U.S. sex toy retailers with claims that their websites are tracking users without their consent, despite promising they wouldn’t do that. In a complaint (PDF) filed on June 25 in the Northern District of California, San Francisco resident Stella Tatola claims that Babeland and Good Vibrations — both owned by Barnaby Ltd., LLC — allowed Microsoft to see what visitors to their websites searched for and bought.

“Unbeknownst to Plaintiff and other Barnaby website users, and constituting the ultimate violation of privacy, Barnaby allows an undisclosed third-party, Microsoft, to intercept, read, and utilize for commercial gain consumers’ private information about their sexual practices and preferences, gleaned from their activity on Barnaby’s websites,” the complaint states. “This information includes but is not limited to product searches and purchase initiations, as well as the consumer’s unique Microsoft identifier.” The complaint claims that Good Vibrations and Babeland sites have installed trackers using Microsoft’s Clarity software, which does “recording in real time,” and tracks users’ mouse movements, clicks or taps, scrolls, and site navigation. Microsoft says on the Clarity site that it “processes a massive amount of anonymous data around user behavior to gain insights and improve machine learning models that power many of our products and services.”

“By allowing undisclosed third party Microsoft to eavesdrop and intercept users’ PPSI in such a manner — including their sexual orientation, preferences, and desires, among other highly sensitive, protected information — Barnaby violates its Privacy Policies, which state it will never share such information with third parties,” the complaint states. The complaint includes screenshots of code from the sexual health sites that claims to show them using Machine Unique Identifier (“MUID”) cookies that “identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites,” according to Microsoft, and are used for “advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.” The complaint claims that this violates the California Invasion of Privacy Act, the Federal Wiretap Act, and Californians’ reasonable expectation of privacy.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Japan Plans 310-Mile Conveyor Belt That Can Carry Freight of 25,000 Trucks a Day

The Japanese government plans to create zero-emissions logistics links between major cities, potentially using massive conveyor belts or autonomous electric carts. The initiative aims to shift millions of tons of cargo, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and alleviate the anticipated 30% shortfall in parcel deliveries by 2030 due to a lack of drivers. New Atlas reports: According to The Japan News, the project has been under discussion since February by an expert panel at the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism ministry. A draft outline of an interim report was released Friday, revealing plans to complete an initial link between Tokyo and Osaka by 2034. Japan’s well-known population collapse issues foretell severe labor squeezes in the coming years, and one specific issue this project aims to curtail is the continuing rise in online shopping, with a forecast decline in the numbers of delivery drivers that can move goods around. The country is expecting some 30% of parcels simply won’t make it from A to B by 2030, because there’ll be nobody to move them. Hence this wild logistical link, the first iteration of which the team says will move as much small cargo between Tokyo and Osaka as 25,000 trucks.

Exactly how it’ll do this is yet to be nailed down, but individual pallets will carry up to a ton of small cargo items, and they’ll move without human interference from one end to the other. One possibility is to use massive conveyor belts to cover the 500-km (310-mile) distance between the two cities, running alongside the highway or potentially through tunnels underneath the road. Alternatively, the infrastructure could simply provide flat lanes or tunnels, and the pallets could be shifted by automated electric carts. A 500-km tunnel, mind you, would be insanely expensive at somewhere around $23 billion before any conveyor belts or autonomous carts are factored in. And one does have to wonder if autonomous electric trucks might be able to do the job without any of the infrastructure requirements […].

Read more of this story at Slashdot.