Will EVs Mean the End of AM Radio In Cars?

Some carmakers are leaving AM radios out of their new cars. They say it’s because of audio quality, but it isn’t that simple. James Gilboy writes via The Drive. From the report: BMW and Volvo told me it was due to audio quality problems rooted in electromagnetic interference, of which EVs’ drivetrains produce a significant amount. Cars’ engines and other complex electronics have always made EM interference, but low-wattage static is relatively easy to shield against. It’s not as simple with EVs that may pull hundreds of watts from their batteries, generating far more interference, reducing audio quality to a level both BMW and Volvo told me they consider insufficient. But it’s hard to take them at their word when EVs are built with AM radios and in no small numbers. Detroit’s Three — Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis — have produced or currently make EVs that include AM radio, even on flagship models. That goes for the Ford F-150 Lightning and Mustang Mach-E, GM EVs from the Cadillac Lyriq to the Chevy Bolt EUV and GMC Hummer EV, and even Stellantis’s almost-forgotten Fiat 500e. Clearly, some carmakers don’t think EM interference is a problem, and some EV owners agree. One user of an EV forum user said that AM radio “works fine” in their 500e and older Chevy Bolt.

We contacted all three of Detroit’s giants for why they continue to include AM radios when some European makes have phased them out, but the answer establishes itself across those very same lines. AM radio has fallen out of favor in Europe, with Radio Info reporting in 2015 that stations were shutting down en masse from France to the Netherlands and Russia. The frequency has largely been superseded by the DAB format, which is a more advanced form of radio broadcasting with better audio quality and choice of stations. AM radio stations and their listeners are all but gone in Europe, so European carmakers may not need to include technology that many of its customers can’t use.

In the U.S., on the other hand, radio remains a must for car buyers, with 89 percent of responders in a 2021 survey stating radio should be standard in new cars. That makes radio even more important to U.S. car buyers than USB ports, which only 84 percent said were necessary. AM audiences were in rapid decline as of a 2017 report by Inside Radio, but not to enough a degree for American carmakers to leave AM radios out of their products. It’s not hard to figure out why AM’s holding on here, either: AM signals travel further than FM broadcasts do and are cheaper to transmit, allowing them to cater to audiences in sparsely populated areas. Audio quality can’t compare, but that’s secondary to having anything to listen to at all in some parts of the continental United States.

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Plasma Ignition System Can Increase Engine Efficiency By 20%

In 2019, Ars Technica reported on a new advanced ignition system from Transient Plasma Systems that replaces the conventional spark plugs in a vehicle’s engine with an ignition module that uses very short duration pulses of plasma to ignite the fuel/air mixture within the cylinder. Now, about three years later, the system is “almost ready for production after validation testing has confirmed its potential to increase fuel efficiency by up to 20 percent when fitted to an existing engine.” From the report: TPS’s plasma ignition system is designed to drop into existing cars with very little modification. An ignition module replaces the regular spark plugs, and there’s a power module to control it, but otherwise the only other modifications are in software, as the engine requires remapping to take advantage of the new technology. “A lot of the OEMs we’ve been working with are freezing their engine designs, they’re saying, ‘No more new engine block, we might change some parts out, but we’re freezing the design.’ So it has to basically just drop into the holes that already exist, which this technology does,” [said Dan Singleton, founder and CEO of TPS]. […]

The final stage of testing for TPS’s system is to prove its durability, but Singleton expects this won’t be a problem. “The technology uses all solid-state, high-voltage switches — these are switches that are used in applications where they’re run for millions and millions of shots. If you just did an analysis of the parts, you would say no problem, right? The testing that still needs to be done is, once you’ve put it into a package where it’s going to go to altitude and extreme heat, extreme cold, you just have to do some design validation and tweaking,” he said. […]

As for when we might see the first cars fitted with plasma ignition on the road, Singleton was optimistic. “We are currently in discussions with a couple of Tier 1s and OEMs that are interested in acquiring the technology or working with us to take this to market. The most aggressive timeline that one of those companies has told us is that they could get it to market in 18 months from the start of a deal. That’s aggressive. And typically it takes longer in automotive to do testing, but if they say they can do it, this is their world, not mine. So 18 months, I would say, from the start of a partnership,” Singleton said. Why develop a new internal combustion engine technology when we’re going all in on electric vehicles? Here’s what Singleton told Ars: “[W]e do think that the future is going to be EVs. But the question is, what do we do while we’re ramping up? And I think if you look at the data, it’s pretty compelling that the best thing you can do is to start getting CO2 emissions down now. So that’s really where we see this fitting in is if you put this technology to market immediately. That’s what our data shows is that there’s immediate, meaningful CO2 reductions.”

Ars also notes that “it’s going to be many years before countries like the US stop selling new internal combustion-powered vehicles and longer still until they’re no longer allowed on our roads.”

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Waymo Is Teaming Up With Uber On Autonomous Trucking

Waymo and Uber, former legal foes and bitter rivals in the autonomous vehicle space, are teaming up to speed up the adoption of driverless trucks. The Verge reports: Waymo is integrating Uber Freight, the ride-hail company’s truck brokerage, into the technology that powers its autonomous big rigs. This “long-term strategic partnership” will enable fleet owners to more quickly deploy trucks equipped with Waymo’s autonomous “driver” for on-demand delivery routes offered by Uber Freight, the companies said.

Waymo describes the team-up as a “deep integration” of each company’s products, including a jointly developed “product roadmap” to outline how autonomous trucks will get deployed on Uber’s network once they are commercial ready. Until then, Waymo says it will use Uber Freight with its own test fleet to better understand how driverless trucks will receive and accept delivery orders. But the partnership goes beyond just beta testing each other’s technology. Waymo said it will reserve “billions of miles of its goods-only capacity for the Uber Freight network” in a capacity commitment meant to underscore the seriousness of this partnership. The report notes that Alphabet’s Waymo sued Uber in early 2017 over allegations of trade secret theft and patent infringement. The two sides reached a settlement agreement about a year later. “Uber later admitted that it misappropriated some of Waymo’s tech and vowed to license it for future use,” adds The Verge.

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EPA Opens Applications For Its $5 Billion Clean School Bus Program

The EPA is formally accepting applications for its Clean School Bus Program, a $5 billion program to replace dirty diesel school buses with more environmentally friendly options. Ars Technica reports: Specifically, the EPA is aiming to replace older (model year 2010 or older) diesel-powered school buses, which must be scrapped in order for a clean bus to be bought to replace them. Oh, and the old bus has to be fully functionalâ”this isn’t intended as a way to make the government pay for broken junk to be replaced with shiny new buses. But the agency says it will also accept applications from schools looking for zero-emission buses that are prepared to scrap older non-diesel school buses, as well as newer internal combustion buses (which should either be sold, scrapped, or donated).

The EPA isn’t requiring the replacement buses to all be electric, however. While the program will pay for battery-electric buses — such as the Thomas C2 Jouley that was delivered to a school in Alexandria County in Virginia on Friday to mark the start of the program — it will also pay for buses powered by propane or compressed natural gas as long as they’re also model year 2021 or newer and will serve the school district for at least five years, among other requirements.

The EPA will consider applications to replace up to 25 buses at once and has set aside $250 million for zero-emission buses in 2022 and $250 million for clean school buses, with another $4.5 billion remaining for 2023-2028. Rebates range from $375,000 for a zero-emissions Class 7 or Class 8 bus down to $25,000 for smaller propane buses (classes 3-6). The application process is open until August 19, and successful applicants should be notified in October that it’s time to order some new buses.

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San Francisco Police Are Using Driverless Cars As Mobile Surveillance Cameras

BeerFartMoron shares a report from Motherboard: For the last five years, driverless car companies have been testing their vehicles on public roads. These vehicles constantly roam neighborhoods while laden with a variety of sensors including video cameras capturing everything going on around them in order to operate safely and analyze instances where they don’t. While the companies themselves, such as Alphabet’s Waymo and General Motors’ Cruise, tout the potential transportation benefits their services may one day offer, they don’t publicize another use case, one that is far less hypothetical: Mobile surveillance cameras for police departments.

“Autonomous vehicles are recording their surroundings continuously and have the potential to help with investigative leads,” says a San Francisco Police department training document obtained by Motherboard via a public records request. “Investigations has already done this several times.”

Privacy advocates say the revelation that police are actively using AV footage is cause for alarm. “This is very concerning,” Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) senior staff attorney Adam Schwartz told Motherboard. He said cars in general are troves of personal consumer data, but autonomous vehicles will have even more of that data from capturing the details of the world around them. “So when we see any police department identify AVs as a new source of evidence, that’s very concerning.”

As companies continue to make public roadways their testing grounds for these vehicles, everyone should understand them for what they are — rolling surveillance devices that expand existing widespread spying technologies,” said Chris Gilliard, Visiting Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center. “Law enforcement agencies already have access to automated license plate readers, geofence warrants, Ring Doorbell footage, as well as the ability to purchase location data. This practice will extend the reach of an already pervasive web of surveillance.”

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Michigan Announces America’s First Public In-Road Charging Test for Electric Vehicles

The governor of Michigan has announced America’s first “public wireless in-road charging system,” which would allow electric vehicles (EV) to charge — both while in motion and when stationary.

The GreenBiz site takes a look at this “inductive vehicle charging pilot program.”
There’s perhaps no place more fitting for this pilot than Detroit. The city that led the nation’s first wave of automobile technology is helping lead its second, as the Michigan Department of Transportation has awarded a $1.9 million contract to Electreon to install one mile of in-road EV charging in Motor City.

“Wireless is the future for this technology,” said Stefan Tongur, vice president of business development for Electreon in the U.S. The wireless charging company is already building out the tech across Europe, where it has pilots in Germany, Italy and Sweden. The Michigan project is expected to be operational in 2023.

“We’ve always, for the past century, stopped to fuel the car, and we’re thinking the same with EVs,” Tongur said. But that creates many challenges when it comes to large-scale batteries and fleets especially, Tongur noted… So Electreon and others envision a network of strategic corridors with wireless, in-road charging that could gradually power vehicles along a route, rather than all at once at the destination. Fleet operators could either pay a subscription to use the chargers or integrate the costs into highway tolling, depending on the situation, Tongur said.

He described Electreon’s business model as “charging as a service.”

Alex Gruzen, CEO of wireless charging company WiTricity, tells the site this technology ultimately could accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles. “The company’s own research indicates that wireless charging can increase a consumer’s intent to purchase an EV by 68%, according to Gruzen, which could help move EVs beyond the early adopter stage.”

Or, as Gruzen puts it, “What we want to do is show that the EV ownership experience can be better than any experience you’ve ever had with a car before.”

Thanks to Slashdot reader doyouwantahotpocket for submitting the story.

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