Japan Seeks Power To Turn Down Private Home Air Conditioners Remotely, Report Says

Japan Today reports: As reported by Japan’s Nihon Keizai Shimbun, in a meeting on Nov 2, the Energy Conservation Subcommittee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry resolved to begin working group discussions with the aim of gaining the ability to remotely turn down privately owned air conditioner/heater units. The goal would be to decrease energy usage during expected power shortages, which the committee feels are a growing concern as Japan attempts to shift towards renewable energy sources such as solar power, where the amount generated can be affected by day-to-day climate, making it difficult to stabilize the amount of total power available. The ministry says that AC unit usage accounts for roughly 30 percent of household electricity consumption in Japan.

From a technical standpoint, the plan wouldn’t be particularly difficult to implement. Japanese air conditioner units have long had remote controls, so external inputs aren’t a problem, and many models now allow the owner to turn the system on and off or adjust temperature settings through the internet. By asking manufacturers to extend such access to government regulatory organizations, and granting those organizations override functions over other inputs, the plan could easily be put into practice for internet-connected AC units, and water heaters are another home appliance the committee is looking to gain the ability to throttle back. […] According to Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the committee is currently working under the concept that the government would only be able to turn down AC units if their individual owners have agreed, in advance, to grant that authority.

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Psychedelic Mushroom Dose Can Treat Stubborn Depression, Trial Suggests

The Washington Post reports:

Psilocybin, the active hallucinogen found in psychedelic mushrooms — also known as “magic mushrooms” — can effectively alleviate a severe bout of depression when administered in a single dose and combined with talk therapy, a new clinical study found.

Adults with depression who were administered a single 25-miligram dose of psilocybin were more likely to experience significant improvements in their mental health — both immediately and for up to three months — than others who were randomly assigned smaller doses of the same drug, said the peer-reviewed study, which was published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine….

The trial’s findings could be an encouraging sign for the 16 million Americans estimated each year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to have depression, many of whom struggle to find treatments that work for them. Its authors hope the study — which was relatively small, with just 79 participants receiving the 25 mg dose — will pave the way for eventual regulatory approval of psilocybin by the Food and Drug Administration for use as a drug against depression….

Notwithstanding the headaches, nausea and dizziness reported by many as adverse side effects, most of the adults enjoyed the experience.
The Post got an interesting reponse from James Rucker, a consultant psychiatrist at King’s College London who worked on the trial. He said there’s something about the psychedelic experience that leads to a rapid resolution of depression symptoms, adding “We don’t really know what that is at the moment, but it’s very different to standard antidepressants….”

“What people forget about psychedelics is that they were being used as medicines prior to 1971 when they essentially got caught up in the drugs war,” Rucker added. “We’re just picking up the baton of history.”

Thanks to Slashdot reader Shmoodling for submitting the story.

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New York City Finally Proposes Strict New Regulations for Airbnb Rentals

New York City “is pressing ahead with a long-anticipated crackdown on Airbnb hosts,” reports the New York Post, “with officials on Friday proposing a strict new registration system for hosts that will take effect in January.”

There’s 30 pages of rules…

Under proposed rules that were quietly and unexpectedly made public on Friday — which will, among other things, prohibit hosts from renting out an “entire registered dwelling unit” — Airbnb hosts will be required to submit diagrams of their apartments as well as proof that their listings are permanent residences. Hosts also will be required to list the “full legal name of all permanent occupants of the dwelling” as well as their relationship to the host….

If hosts fail to comply, they can be fined up to $5,000 under the new rules, while Airbnb and other platforms are required to verify the rental on its systems and could be on the hook for a $1,500 fine per violation. Last year, the city council passed the registration law, but little was known about the details and requirements, which will become effective Jan. 9 and enforced by May 9….

Among the requirements, said the source, is one that bars hosts from putting locks on doors that separate the guest from the host, directing that “a registered host shall not allow a rentee to have exclusive access to a separate room within a dwelling” and specifying that, for example, “providing the rentee with a key to lock the door when such rentee is not in the dwelling is prohibited….”

It’s the latest salvo in the fraught relationship between New York City and Airbnb, which has long pushed back on the city’s efforts to regulate the industry. Meanwhile the city blames Airbnb, in part, for its housing shortage.

Thanks to Slashdot reader quonset for submitting the story!

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Could ‘Ghost Particle’ Neutrinos Crashing Into Antarctica Change Astronomy Forever?

CNET reports on how research in Antarctica “could change astronomy forever”:

About 47 million light-years from where you’re sitting, the center of a black-hole-laden galaxy named NGC 1068 is spitting out streams of enigmatic particles. These “neutrinos” are also known as the elusive “ghost particles” that haunt our universe but leave little trace of their existence…. Nestled into about 1 billion tons of ice, more than 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) beneath Antarctica, lies the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. A neutrino hunter, you might call it. When any neutrinos transfer their party to the frigid continent, IceCube stands ready.

In a paper published Friday in the journal Science, the international team behind this ambitious experiment confirmed it has found evidence of 79 “high-energy neutrino emissions” coming from around where NGC 1068 is located, opening the door for novel — and endlessly fascinating — types of physics. “Neutrino astronomy,” scientists call it.

It’d be a branch of astronomy that can do what existing branches simply cannot.

Before today, physicists had only shown neutrinos coming from either the sun; our planet’s atmosphere; a chemical mechanism called radioactive decay; supernovas; and — thanks to IceCube’s first breakthrough in 2017 — a blazar, or voracious supermassive black hole pointed directly toward Earth. A void dubbed TXS 0506+056. With this newfound neutrino source, we’re entering a new era of the particle’s story. In fact, according to the research team, it’s likely neutrinos stemming from NGC 1068 have up to millions, billions, maybe even trillions the amount of energy held by neutrinos rooted in the sun or supernovas. Those are jaw-dropping figures because, in general, such ghostly bits are so powerful, yet evasive, that every second, trillions upon trillions of neutrinos move right through your body. You just can’t tell….

Not only is this moment massive because it gives us more proof of a strange particle that wasn’t even announced to exist until 1956, but also because neutrinos are like keys to our universe’s backstage. They hold the capacity to reveal phenomena and solve puzzles we’re unable to address by any other means, which is the primary reason scientists are trying to develop neutrino astronomy in the first place…. Expected to be generated behind such opaque screens filtering our universe, these particles can carry cosmic information from behind those screens, zoom across great distances while interacting with essentially no other matter, and deliver pristine, untouched information to humanity about elusive corners of outer space.

The team says their data can provide information on two great unsolved mysteries in astronomy: why black holes emit sporadic blasts of light, and neutrinos’ suspected role in the origin of cosmic rays.

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Mastodon Continues to Grow – But Still .27% the Size of Twitter

By Tuesday morning Mastodon had gained 123,562 new users since October 27 (the site told TechCrunch) and had 528,607 active users. But by Saturday the number of new users had nearly doubled, to 230,000, reports CNN — with 655,000 active users.

In fact, for every 363 active users on Twitter, there’s now one on Mastodon, CNN’s figures suggest (since Twitter has nearly “238 million daily active monetizable users”). Exploring the recent spike, they note that Mastodon “has a similar look to Twitter, with a timeline of short updates sorted chronologically rather than algorithmically. It lets users join a slew of different servers run by various groups and individuals, rather than one central platform controlled by a single company like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.”

Unlike larger social networks, Mastodon is both free to use and free of ads. It’s operated by a nonprofit run by Mastodon creator Eugen Rochko, and is supported via crowdfunding… “It is not as large as Twitter, obviously, but it is the biggest that this network has ever been,” said Rochko, who originally created Mastodon as more of a project than a consumer product (and, yes, its name was inspired by the heavy metal band Mastodon)….

A lot of Mastodon’s features and layout (particularly in its iOS app) will look and feel familiar to current Twitter users, though with some slightly different verbiage; you can follow others, create short posts (there’s a 500 character limit, and you can upload images and videos), favorite or repost other users’ posts, and so on…. There are some key differences, particularly in how the network is set up. Because Mastodon users’ accounts are hosted on a slew of different servers, the costs of hosting users is spread among many different people and groups. But that also means users are spread out all over the place, and people you know can be hard to find.

CNN also notes the problem with signing up for a Mastodon server: “some of which are open to anyone, some of which require an invitation (you can also run your own server). There is a server operated by the nonprofit behind Mastodon, Mastodon.social, but it’s not accepting more users.”

Although trending on the server I found today: #Caturday photos.

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New Features In Rust Include Generic Associated Types (GATs) After Six-Year Wait

The newest stable version of Rust, 1.65.0 includes generic associated types (GATs) — the ability to declare lifetime, type, and const generics on associated types. “It’s hard to put into few words just how useful these can be,” writes the official Rust blog.

An earlier post pointed out that “There have been a good amount of changes that have had to have been made to the compiler to get GATs to work,” noting that the request-for-comments for this feature was first opened in 2016.

And Rust’s types team also created a blog post with more detail:
Note that this is really just rounding out the places where you can put generics: for example, you can already have generics on freestanding type aliases and on functions in traits. Now you can just have generics on type aliases in traits (which we just call associated types)….

In general, GATs provide a foundational basis for a vast range of patterns and APIs. If you really want to get a feel for how many projects have been blocked on GATs being stable, go scroll through either the tracking issue: you will find numerous issues from other projects linking to those threads over the years saying something along the lines of “we want the API to look like X, but for that we need GATs” (or see this comment that has some of these put together already). If you’re interested in how GATs enable a library to do zero-copy parsing, resulting in nearly a ten-fold performance increase, you might be interested in checking out a blog post on it by Niko Matsakis.

All in all, even if you won’t need to use GATs directly, it’s very possible that the libraries you use will use GATs either internally or publically for ergonomics, performance, or just because that’s the only way the implementation works…. [A]ll the various people involved in getting this stabilization to happen deserve the utmost thanks. As said before, it’s been 6.5 years coming and it couldn’t have happened without everyone’s support and dedication.
Rust 1.65.0 also contains let-else statements — a new kind of let statement “with a refutable pattern and a diverging else block that executes when that pattern doesn’t match,” according to the release announcement.

And it highlights another new feature:

Plain block expressions can now be labeled as a break target, terminating that block early. This may sound a little like a goto statement, but it’s not an arbitrary jump, only from within a block to its end. This was already possible with loop blocks, and you may have seen people write loops that always execute only once, just to get a labeled break.

Now there’s a language feature specifically for that! Labeled break may also include an expression value, just as with loops, letting a multi-statement block have an early “return” value.

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$80M Fund Backs OrangeDAO’s Revolutionary Plan to Mentor and Invest in Web3 Enterpreneurs

An anonymous reader shared this report from long-time tech pundit Robert X. Cringley. “A Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO) called OrangeDAO is cooperating with a small seed venture fund called Press Start Capital to establish the OrangeDAO X Press Start Cap Fellowship Program for new Web3 entrepreneurs.

“Successful applicants get $25,000 each plus 10 weeks of structured mentorship plus continued access to the more than 1200-member OrangeDAO network. In exchange, OrangeDAO and Press Start get to invest in the resulting companies, if any, produced by the class.” Cringley likens it to the American tech startup accelerator Y Combinator — but on steroids.

Cringley also explains why he thinks this “middle class VC” model “will replicate and grow unconstrained,” ultimately exporting itself from Silicon Valley to cities around the world.

There are many DAOs around and hardly anybody understands them or knows what they are good for. Mainly they have seemed to be involved in the NFT market. But OrangeDAO is different. It has 1200+ members and every one of those members is a graduate of the Y Combinator startup accelerator. They are verified Y Combinator company founders, so they’ve all had similar entrepreneurial experiences and see business much the same way as a result. OrangeDAO seems to have big plans and to make those plans happen in August the DAO, itself, raised $80 million in venture capital, with their first use of that capital being these Fellowships.

I think this will change forever venture capital and the world economy.

It represents a new stage in the evolution of venture capital. In many senses it is the democratization of VC….

The DAO members all have similar backgrounds, similar values, and similar risk tolerances. THERE ARE MORE OF THEM, so they can do bigger deals. And — here’s the important bit — THEY ARE ALL Y COMBINATOR-EDUCATED and connected globally through the blockchain. They not only know many of the same things, they have a sense of where this knowledge comes from and why it is useful…. In the YC-based DAO we have people who want the next generation of entrepreneurs to be even better-educated. It’s not some egalitarian goal, either: they see it as key to success for the whole thing.

Smart people with good ideas will self-identify, be funded at a subsistence level to allow them to develop those ideas and prove their worth, then they can participate on a truly level playing field for the first time…. Gone is the Tycoon, gone is the professional VC who doesn’t understand his tech, gone soon will be the angels (subsumed into the DAO model), and gone for the most part are the asshole VCs whom entrepreneurs grow to hate (not all of them, but a lot).

Done correctly, this model is essentially Meritocratic VC. If the idea is good, the market is ready, and the people know what they are doing, the capital will be there.

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