Scientists Try Injecting Tumor-Fighting Viruses Coated in Magnets Made By Soil Bacteria

To attack tumors, the Guardian reports, “scientists are developing magnetically guided microscopic projectiles that can be injected into patients’ blood.”

The project — led by researchers at Sheffield University — builds on progress in two key medical fields. The first involves viruses that specifically attack tumours…. After infection with an oncolytic virus, a cancer cell will burst open and die. The US Food and Drug Administration has already approved the use of T-Vec, a modified herpes simplex virus that infects and kills tumour cells and is now being used to treat people with certain types of melanoma, a skin cancer.
Unfortunately, the viruses soon get attacked by the body’s immune system. So the scientists want to coat the viruses with magnetic particles, so that magnets (outside a patient’s body) can quickly guide those viruses where they’re needed.

And to accomplish this they’re using a soil bacteria which is known to make magnets to align with Earth’s own magnetic field. “The essence of this approach is straightforward,” one of the project’s leaders explains to the Guardian. “We are using bugs as drugs…. we have found bacteria do a better job of manufacturing them than we could.”
Having developed the technology, the Sheffield team is now working to ensure they can manufacture sufficient supplies so that clinical trials on humans can begin soon. To date, trials have focused on animal models. “These early tests have been very encouraging and we now need to take the next steps to bring this technique to a state where it can be administered to humans — hopefully in a few years’ time.”

Thanks to Slashdot reader Falconhell for sharing the article!

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McEnroe vs. McEnroe: Tennis Legend Plays Against AI-Powered Avatars of Himself

A special ESPN+ show Saturday brought back John McEnroe “to face his ultimate opponent. Himself.” TechCrunch reports:

The 45-minute film will showcase how the match was created using a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning, plus five virtual avatars of John McEnroe from pivotal points of his career. The team at [technology/production company] Unit 9 spent a day with John in order to bring the vision to life via full-body scanning, motion capture and Unreal Engine MetaHuman technology (a cloud-based app that creates photorealistic digital humans). The avatar game system will be projected on a hologram particle screen and will be a simulation of gameplay with a system of ball launchers and ball return robots.
When McEnroe sends the ball over the net, the avatar responds to the direction of the real ball. As the avatar swings, a new ball is fired from the ball cannon and then flies through a smokescreen at a precise point in space to make it appear from the avatar’s racket position…. Unit 9’s team analyzed hours of footage from John’s matches throughout his entire career and recorded hundreds of shots, strokes and movements. In total, they recorded 308 shots with over 259 loops and blends to really capture his footwork and well-known shot-making and volleying skills.

The best part about this is the team recorded numerous key phrases and statements so McEnroe could talk smack to his virtual self (and maybe even smash a couple of rackets).

As McEnroe himself pointed out to Forbes…. “I can’t lose.” But he also sounds like he enjoyed the experience:
The most interesting recreation of his playing style to him is the 1979 version of him because professional tennis was all so new to him at the time. “That was the year I may have enjoyed the most on the circuit,” he says, “I was just coming up, and on the way up and you are so excited and want to travel the world.”

From there, he thinks the 1992 version of himself will offer the other end of his career, after having three kids. He knows that 1984 was the best year on tour, but “I have more interest in the young and old opposed to (1984).”
McEnroe also wanted the sport of tennis to get extra exposure — and that it would be good “If we have a way where we project something different and have some fun with it and peoples can laugh with it…”

Or, as AdWeek quotes McEnroe as saying, “Who wouldn’t want an opportunity to literally be able to look back at where you started and celebrate how much you’ve grown and learned along the way?”

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California’s Population Declined in Pandemic’s Second Year

America’s most populous state is shrinking — at least a little. The Associated Press reports:
With an estimated 39,185,605 residents, California is still the U.S.’s most populous state, putting it far ahead of second-place Texas and its 29.5 million residents. But after years of strong growth brought California tantalizingly close to the 40 million milestone, the state’s population is now roughly back to where it was in 2016 after declining by 117,552 people this year.
That’s a drop of 0.29% — at least some of which seems attributable to the pandemic.

California’s population growth had been slowing even before the pandemic as baby boomers’ aged, younger generations were having fewer children and more people were moving to other states. But the state’s natural growth — more births than deaths — and its robust international immigration had been more than enough to offset those losses. That changed in 2020, when the pandemic killed tens of thousands of people above what would be expected from natural causes, a category demographers refer to as “excess deaths.” And it prompted a sharp decline in international immigration because of travel restrictions and limited visas from the federal government.

California’s population fell for the first time that year. At the time, state officials thought it was a outlier, the result of a pandemic that turned the world upside down. But the new estimate released Monday by the California Department of Finance showed the trend continued in 2021, although the decline was less than it had been in 2020. State officials pointed specifically to losses in international immigration. California gained 43,300 residents from other countries in 2021. But that was well below the annual average of 140,000 that was common before the pandemic.
The state’s official demographer predicts California’s population will go back to increasing in 2022.

And even with the decline, the article points out that California “had a record budget surplus last year, and is in line for an even larger one this year of as much as $68 billion — mostly the result of a progressive tax structure and a disproportionate population of billionaires.”

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70-Year-Old Cyberpunk: ‘This Interview Is a Mistake’

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: He was the co-publisher of the first popular digital culture magazine, MONDO 2000, from 1989–1993. Now as R. U. Sirius approaches his 70th birthday, a San Francisco-based writer conducts a rollicking interview for the Berlin-based Spike Art Magazine. (“I wanted to speak with someone who had weathered the shakedown of history with art, humour, and a dose of healthy delusion. Or derision. Whatever arrived first…”)

That interview itself was star-crossed. (“What came first, R.U.’s stroke or the Omicron surge? As I recovered from a bout of corona, R.U. fell ill with his own strain.. “) But eventually they did discuss the founding of that influential cyberculture magazine. (Editor Jude Milhon is credited with coining the word “cypherpunk” for an early crytography-friendly group co-founded by EFF pioneer John Gilmore.) Asked about the magazine’s original vision, Sirius says “I was pretty much diverted by Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson and their playful, hopeful futurisms, their whole shebang about evolutionary brain circuits being opened up by drugs and technology.”

I needed something to get me out of bed at the end of the 1970s. I mean, punk was great – rock and roll was great – but it wasn’t inspiring any action. I remember my friends stole some giant lettering from a sign at a gas station and some of it hung behind the couch in our living room where we took whatever drugs were around and tossed glib nihilisms back and forth. The letters read “ROT”…. I couldn’t sink any deeper into that couch, so there was nowhere to go except up into outer space.
The surrealism and so forth were influences that travelled with me when I moved to California to create this new thing based on psychedelics, technology, and incorrigible irreverence that eventually became Mondo 2000.

It’s a funny interview. (“The ‘R.U. a Cyberpunk’ page from an issue of Mondo is the only thing most people below a certain age have ever seen from the magazine and we were taking the piss out of ourselves….”) They scrupulously avoid mentioning Mondo’s undeniable influence on the early days of Wired. But inevitaby the conversation comes back around to that seminal question: whither cyberpunk?

Q: The internet, which was a prime source of Mondo subject matter, is home to many eyes, rabbit holes, and agents of algorithmic manipulation. Where is cyberpunk culture alive and well in our contemporary moment? Are you still invested and engaged with cyberpunk as a means of exploring radical possibilities and ideas…?

RUS: [T]here’s not really a cyberpunk movement… Surrealism was a movement for a number of years because an anguished control freak named André Breton maintained it in various formations. We didn’t have that person, and if we had, he or she or they probably would have been laughed out of the sandbox for the attempt….
I’ll remain influenced by playful spontaneity from ancient 20th-century moments not because of any dedication, but only because that’s probably the only way I was ever going to be able to write or create. I lack rigor and once declared it a sign of death.

And Sirius jokes at the end that “usually my attitude is that the world today is bloated with people opinionizing so, this interview is a mistake!”

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‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Is Sending the TikTok Generation Spiraling Into Debt

SFGATE reports on the alarming rise of “Buy Now, Pay Later” services that are being heavily marketed by influencers and brands on TikTok and Instagram. “Gen Z, in particular, has fallen in love with the short-term loans, spending 925% more now through point-of-sale services than in January 2020,” notes the report.

“But coupling nearly instantaneous loans with an influencer-addled social media culture that prioritizes exorbitant spending and normalizes debt could be further jeopardizing the financial futures of young people through just four easy payments.” Here’s an excerpt from the report: Financial experts who spoke with SFGATE expressed significant concerns about the way companies are targeting Gen Z consumers. “They are marketing very heavily to an audience that is younger, that might not just have as much experience on how to use credit and what credit implications are or what it means to have multiple loans at one time,” Marisabel Torres, the California policy director of the Center for Responsible Lending, told SFGATE.

Few of the services do significant credit checks, which would help determine whether people will be able to repay the loans. And plenty of people are spending more than they can afford: 43% of Gen Z users have missed at least one payment, according to a survey by the polling site Piplsay. Of Gen Z consumers who used a point-of-sale loan for something they needed, 30% missed at least two payments, according to a survey by Credit Karma.

The companies are fully aware that their services encourage people to spend more. In fact, several of them market it as a benefit to stores that want to partner with them. “We do see larger cart sizes, larger purchases, relative to what they would put onto their debit cards and credit cards,” Libor Michalek, the president of technology at Affirm, told SFGATE. Still, high-level staffers at Affirm and Afterpay — both based in San Francisco — positioned their services as more responsible, less predatory alternatives to credit cards and personal loans in interviews with SFGATE. They also emphasized the accessibility of these services, especially for younger consumers looking to bolster their credit and consumers working to restore their credit scores, despite the fact that many of the services don’t report on-time payments to credit agencies. The report concludes by saying regulation is (probably) on its way. California Attorney General Rob Bonta, for example, signaled his support earlier this year for increasing regulations around point-of-sale loans. We’re likely to see other states look into it in the coming months and years as well.

“While these services may be a responsible alternative to credit card debt for a good chunk of consumers, it seems increasingly likely that, without regulations, this kind of debt will burden the most financially vulnerable, just as credit cards, payday loans and layaway have in the past,” reports SFGATE.

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Google Docs Crashes On Seeing ‘And. And. And. And. And.’

A bug in Google Docs is causing it to crash when a series of words are typed into a document opened with the online word processor. BleepingComputer reports: It’s official — Google Docs crashes at the sight of “And. And. And. And. And.” when the “Show grammar suggestion” is turned on. A Google Docs user, Pat Needham brought up the issue on Google Docs Editors Help forum. […] Another user, Sergii Dymchenko, said strings like “But. But. But. But. But.” triggered the same response. Some also noticed putting any of the terms like “Also, Therefore, And, Anyway, But, Who, Why, Besides, However,” in the same format achieved the outcome.

Once crashed, you may not be able to easily re-access the document as doing so would trigger the crash again. BleepingComputer was able to reproduce the issue last night and reached out to Google. Google told us it is aware of the bug and working on a fix. […] Until Google has an answer as to what causes this problem, it might be wise to turn off grammar suggestions by navigating to Tools, Spelling and grammar and unticking ‘Show grammar suggestions.’ If the bug has already been triggered and you’re locked out of the Google Doc in question, there might be a workaround. Use the Google Docs mobile app to access the document, remove the offending words and the file should now open up gracefully on your Google Docs web version too.

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Swarming Drones Autonomously Navigate a Dense Forest

Chinese researchers show off a swarm of drones collectively navigating a dense forest they’ve never encountered. TechCrunch reports: Researchers at Zheijang University in Hangzhou have succeeded, however, with a 10-strong drone swarm smart enough to fly autonomously through a dense, unfamiliar forest, but small and light enough that each one can easily fit in the palm of your hand. It’s a big step toward using swarms like this for things like aerial surveying and disaster response.

Based on an off-the-shelf ultra-compact drone design, the team built a trajectory planner for the group that relies entirely on data from the onboard sensors of the swarm, which they process locally and share with each other. The drones can balance or be directed to pursue various goals, such as maintaining a certain distance from obstacles or each other, or minimizing the total flight time between two points, and so on.

The drones can also, worryingly, be given a task like “follow this human.” We’ve all seen enough movies to know this is how it starts … but of course it could be useful in rescue or combat circumstances as well. A part of their navigation involves mapping the world around them, of course, and the paper includes some very cool-looking 3D representations of the environments the swarm was sent through. Zhou et alThe study is published in the most recent issue of the journal Science Robotics, which you can read here, along with several videos showing off the drones in action.

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